EN Kerb + parking lot


Informations / Informationen

Status of developing / Entwicklungsstatus:

Actual version / Aktuelle Version:

Language / Sprache:

Licensing / Lizenzierung:
public domain

Environment / Umgebung:
ArchiCAD 6.5, (development/Entwicklung)

Target group / Zielgruppe:

Author(s) / Autor(en):
Frank Chin

Description / Beschreibung

Object creates a tube with custom shape along a custom path. Seems that shape and path have to be entered manually into a macro object.

Documents / Dokumente

 TitleModified DateSize DescriptionClicks
Kerb&Ramp65.zip2/15/20073.81 KBDownloadProject file archive (PLA) containing Kerbmaker, parking lot, rampmaker and some samples. ArchiCAD6.5+.5060
Kerb&Ramp90.zip2/15/20073.81 KBDownloadProject file archive (PLA) containing Kerbmaker, parking lot, rampmaker and some samples. ArchiCAD9.0+.5060
Kerbmaker2/15/20073.81 KBDownloadObject library folder.5060

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