DE Schichtenbauteil 2D.GSM

Informations / Information

Status of developing:

Actual version:



ArchiCAD 14, Win XP (downgradable)

Target group:

Frank Beister

Documents / Dokumente

 TitleModified DateSizeDescription Clicks
(Mehr)Schichtenbauteil11/8/20118.18 MBDemonstration video.Download4627
Anleitung11/8/201164.48 KBfür Version 0.95Download4220

Description / Beschreibung

2D object for drafting rectangular composite structures in draftings, where ArchiCAD does not support it normally (Worksheet, S/E, details).

The object has a smart interface to design your composite structures quickly and to set cuts for embedding other components. Geometric parameters are all adjustable in plan by moveable hotspots.

News + History

some improvements

Delete of template list item possible now. Check for maximum components and maximum intersections numbers. Improved insert handling of intersections. Added "copy component" option. First time sold. :) 


documentation and release version. 

Final release

Added a lot of bitmaps for the ui and finished some minor things. Added cross-sign in dragging mode. Preparing for publishing. 

Full functionality

Fixed most problems. Works fine in tests. 

To do + wishlist


  • Numerierung der Einschnitte
  • Einschnitte: oben / unten / beidseitig / freie Einschnitttiefe / Durchbruch (mit Symbol)
  • Randabschluss gerade / schräge / Um die Ecke gezogen / Stirnplatte / Mitte läuft raus / Absatz
  • Kerndefinition von Schichten
  • Schichtdicken vergrößern -> Niesche
  • Schraffurauswahl nur Bauteilschraffuren
  • Vorschlag "Dichtung"
  • Sort preset list
  • Component "Copy No X"
  • Component thickness by neighbours
  • Cut Position/width by neighbours

Wünsche / Wishes:

  • free wall ends
  • templates of complete composite structures inside the object and in favorites
  • combine with other 2d drawing objects to a complete suite.
  • other intersections as "Einschnitt". e.g. window, door, sill, inclinated intersection e.a.
  • label object
  • true insulation hatching (loop)
  • Show cut number when dragging


  • none.
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