EN Babelfish.GSM


Informations / Informationen

Actual version / Aktuelle Version:

v0.25, 14.1.2014, stabil/stable

Environment / Umgebung:

ArchiCAD 16+ Windows (development/test) (older versions on demand)

Author(s) / Autor(en):

Frank Beister

Documents / Dokumente

 TitleModified DateSizeDescription Clicks
Babelfish.GSM1/15/201425.19 KBLight-version for free usageDownload3203


Macroobject for a word by word translation. You have to feed the "translator"-parameter in the object with pairs of translations.

Afterwards you can call the macro out of your own objecrts to translate words overgiven by the "ask" parameter. If the translation is found the string is returned in the answer.


CALL "Babelfish Light - e+f" PARAMETERS ask=txt, casesensitive=1, RETURNED_PARAMETERS answer
TEXT2 0,0,answer

To do + wishlist


  • all done.

Wünsche / Wishes:

  • all done.

Known Bugs:

  • none left to fix.
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