DE Muffenpfosten.GSM


Informations / Informationen

Actual version / Aktuelle Version:

Version 0.6, 13.03.2012, stabil

Environment / Umgebung:

ArchiCAD 16 Windows (development/test) (older versions on demand)

Author(s) / Autor(en):

Frank Beister

Documents / Dokumente

 TitleModified DateSizeDescription Clicks
Muffenpfosten.GSM10/17/201266.09 KBActual versionDownload4391


Single pole for simple railing constructions.

2 types of poles:

  • 2 horizontal pipe collars + handrail
  • 2 plates and bowl at the top

    Dimensions to adjust in user interface


    inclination adjustable

    base plate.

    News + History

    New type

    Added second typ with bowl at the top and plates instead of pipe collars. 

    1st version

    Publication on 

    To do + wishlist


    • 2nd pole type to user interface.

    Wünsche / Wishes:

    • Reihung
    • Belibige Querstreben
    • Seitliche Befestigung

    Known Bugs:

    • none left to fix.
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